The study of incident rate with relapse use of metamphetamine at Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment (PMNIDAT)


  • Suparerk Narkdilok Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment


Methamphetamine, Ice, Crystal meth, Relapse


Objective: 1. To study the incident rate with relapse use of metamphetamine at Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment (PMNIDAT) 2. To study influent factor relapse use of metamphetamine at Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment (PMNIDAT)

Methods: This is a cross sectional analytic study.  Collect data from person who is using amphetamine repeated and admitted in rehabilitation ward from November 2018 to January 2019. Descriptive analysis chi-square test were used. Statistic significant factors were analyzed by multiple logistic regressions

Result: There were 54 % of repeated use of methamphetamine within 90 days. 63% of relapse uses of methamphetamine within 90 days were male. The ages between 18-29 years in relapse use within 90 days (p<0.001). Using amphetamines together with ice pills, 57.4% of relapse use within 90 days (p=0.013). Classification as addict was 88.9% ( p=0.005). The mean of first use methamphetamine ages less than 18 years in relapse use within 90 days (p=0.007). The relationship in the community that help each other,44.4%of relapse use group within 90 days (p=0.022). The feeling of community towards the patient is acceptable, understandable, 38.9%of relapse use group within 90 days (p=0.017). 79.6% of relapse use group within 90 days can buy drug in the community (p=0.023). When taking the statistically significant variable to analyze the multivariate, it is found that the most important factors are Patients aged 18-29 have 5.139 times more chance of relapse use (95% Cl of OR = 2.079-12.701).


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