Development of the Competency Indicators for Professional Nurses in Stroke Units, Health Districts, Ministry of Public Health


  • Charoonlux Pongcharoen Boromarajonani college of nursing suphanburi, Faculty of Nursing Praboromarajchanok institute
  • Yukon Mangchang Boromarajonani college of nursing suphanburi, Faculty of Nursing Praboromarajchanok institute
  • Wassana Upeor Boromarajonani college of nursing suphanburi, Faculty of Nursing Praboromarajchanok institute
  • Damnoen Nimnuan Stroke Unit Chaoprayayommarat Hospital, Suphanburi


indicators, competency nurses, stroke unit


This descriptive research aimed to analyze and test the competency Indicators for professional nurses in stroke units, health districts, Ministry of Public Health. The samples consisted of 500 professional nurses from 35 hospitals in 13 health districts, Ministry of Public Health using a multi-stage random sampling method. The content validity of the questionnaire used in this study was approved by 5 experts. The reliability value of the questionnaire yielded at 0.97. The period of data collection was July-August 2024. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).

The results found that the competency indicators for professional nurses in stroke units, health districts, Ministry of Public Health consisted of 6 factors and 48 indicators; 1) Knowledge about stroke (b=0.87) with 10 indicators. 2) Abilities to evaluate and manage in urgent situations (b=0.94), with 13 indicators. 3) Giving medicine to dissolve blood clots (b=0.89), with 6 indicators. 4) Nursing cares in the assessment and management after urgent period (b=0.98), with 7 indicators. 5) Discharge care plans and continuing care at home (b = 0.95), with 6 indicators. and 6) Coordinating communication (b = 0.97), with 6 indicators. The linear structural model performance of the competency indicators for professional nurses in stroke units was in statistically significant congruence with empirical data. (c2 =1711.51, df=859, c2D/F =1.99,p-value < .001, NFI =0.99, CFI =1.00, GFI =0.94, AGFI =0.972, RMSEA =0.045, RMR =0.029).

It is suggested that nurse administrators should apply these results in developing individual development plan for professional nurses. in stroke unit.


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How to Cite

Pongcharoen, C. ., Mangchang, Y., Upeor, W. ., & Nimnuan, D. . (2024). Development of the Competency Indicators for Professional Nurses in Stroke Units, Health Districts, Ministry of Public Health. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 30(2), 16–38. retrieved from



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