The Effects of Childbirth Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program on Fear of Childbirth and Satisfaction of Childbirth Experience among Pregnant Women in Chun Hospital
Self-esteem, childbirth, fear, childbirth experience, pregnant womenAbstract
The purposes of this quasi-experimental research were to study the effects of Childbirth Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program on fear of childbirth and satisfaction of childbirth experiences among pregnant women in Chun Hospital. This one group pretest-posttest study consisted of 32 pregnant women. The research tools were a Childbirth Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program, a general information questionnaire, a childbirth self-efficacy enhancement questionnaire, a fear of childbirth questionnaire for pregnant women and a childbirth experience satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and paired t - test.
The results demonstrated that after the samples had received a Childbirth Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program: 1) the average score of fear of childbirth was significantly reduced (p < 0.05), 2) the average score of a childbirth efficacy was significantly increased (p < 0.05), and 3) the overall satisfaction of childbirth experiences was high.
The results of this study show that the Childbirth Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program affects fear of childbirth self-efficacy in giving birth and satisfaction with the birth experience. Therefore, the Childbirth Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program should be supported and be used by pregnant women in preparation before giving birth.
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