The Effects of Implementing FASTHUG and BANDAIDS Concepts on Critical Care Patients in The Intensive Care Unit, Nakornping Hospital
Nursing Practice Guidelines, Critical care nursing, FASTHUG and BANDAIDS conceptsAbstract
This quasi-experimental study aims to investigate the effects of implementing FASTHUG and BANDAIDS concepts on critical care patients in the intensive care unit, Nakornping Hospital. The sample consisted of two groups: 1) intensive care unit nurses (n=40) and 2) two groups of critically ill patients, selected through purposive sampling. The first group was given ordinary nursing care (n=82), and the second group was given care using the nursing practice guidelines based on the principles of FASTHUG and BANDAIDS (n=82). The tools of nursing practice guidelines based on the principles of FASTHUG and BANDAIDS had IOC values at 1.00 and the tools used to collect data include 1) Nurses' practice record of FASTHUG and BANDAIDS concept. 2) Nurses' knowledge assessment of FASTHUG and BANDAIDS concept guidelines. 3) Assessment of nurses' satisfaction with the use of guidelines and 4) Patient clinical outcome record form. IOC values of the tools were assessed at .90, .98, .88, and .88, respectively. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, independent t-test, and chi-square.
The study revealed the following results:
- The nursing outcomes: There was a significantly increase in nurses’ knowledge after using nursing guidelines based on the principles of FASTHUG and BANDAIDS (p< 0.001). After promoting the practice of caring for critical patients based on the principles of FASTHUG and BANDAIDS, the proportion of correct practice by nurses increased significantly (p<0.001). Additionally, the group that utilized the guidelines reported a higher level of satisfaction with their use (Mean=4.47, S.D.=0.68).
- Patient Outcomes: There were significantly decreases in mortality rate, ventilator associated pneumonia rate, weaning failure rate, the unplanned self-extubation, and the length of stay in intensive care unit (p < 0.05).
In summary, after implementing clinical practice guidelines based on FASTHUG and BANDAIDS and effective clinical teaching helps increase quality of care in intensive care unit.
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