Factors Influencing the Chronic Complications of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in one Health Promoting Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province


  • Sirinda Srichongchai Nursing Instructor, School of Nursing, Matharat University
  • Penchan Sanprasan Assistant Professor Dr., School of Nursing, Matharat University
  • Chinta Tachavijitjaru Assistant professor, Faculty of Nursing, Kasem Bundit University


Diabetic patient, chronic complication, factors affecting chronic complications


This descriptive research aimed to study the chronic complications and the factors influencing the chronic complications of patients with Diabetic Mellitus in one health promoting hospital in Nakhon Pathom province. The purposive samples of 108 patients with Diabetes Mellitus were recruited in one health promoting hospital in Nakhon Pathom province. The research instrument was developed by researchers based on Orem’s theory and the Cronbach alpha coefficient was .93. The data were analyzed using percentages, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, and multivariate multiple regression analysis.

The findings revealed that 1. The samples had basic knowledge and the attitude toward Diabetes Mellitus disease and its complications, self-care cooperation and social support were at a high level; 2. The correlation between the chronic complications of diabetes mellitus and the duration of Diabetes Mellitus illness was statistically significant (r = .309, p <.01). 3. There was a positive correlation between the perception of diabetes mellitus, its complications and blood sugar levels at the statistical significance (r=.223, p <.05) 4. There was a positive correlation between social support and blood sugar levels at the statistical significance (r =.470, p < .01).

Conclusion, when a patient is diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus at the first time, healthcare providers should give them complete information about the progression of Diabetes Mellitus and the importance of regular blood glucose control to prevent and delay the onset of chronic complications. In addition, the promotion of continuing care should be provided by developing a program of education and practice for the patients.


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How to Cite

Srichongchai, S., Sanprasan, P. ., & Tachavijitjaru, C. . (2023). Factors Influencing the Chronic Complications of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in one Health Promoting Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 29(2), 102–117. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnorthnurse/article/view/267177



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