Parental Roles on Sexual Abstinence Behavior in Female Adolescent


  • ละอองดาว วรรณฤทธิ์ อาจารย์วิทยาลัยพยาบาลทหารอากาศ กรมแพทย์ทหารอากาศ


Parental Roles, Sexual Abstinence Behavior, Female Adolescent


Parents play vital roles in encouraging female adolescents to abstain from sexual intercourse, which counts as a health-promoting behavior during school enrollment. Parents have various ways of raising their children to promote the delay of sexual intercourse to prevent them from risky sexual behavior. The purpose of this article is to present the perspectives on parental influence in promoting sexual abstinence behavior among female adolescents. Nurses may use this information as a guideline to develop and conduct research on sexual abstinence programs for female adolescents for their sexual well-being.


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How to Cite

วรรณฤทธิ์ ล. (2023). Parental Roles on Sexual Abstinence Behavior in Female Adolescent. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 29(2), 149–160. retrieved from



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