The Correlation between Mental Health Literacy and Stress among Public Health Volunteers During the Pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019
Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, mental health literacy, stress, public health volunteerAbstract
This survey research aimed to study the levels and relationship of mental health literacy and stress among public health volunteers during the pandemic of Coronavirus disease 2019. The samples were 107 public health volunteers in Ubon Ratchathani, recruited by stratified random sampling method. The research instruments included demographic data, mental health literacy and stress test questionnaires. The reliability of research tools was 0.81 and 0.85, respectively. Data was collected in August 2022. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
The results revealed that the participants had mental health literacy of knowledge about mental health and mental disorders at a very good level (56.1 %), whereas beliefs about mental health and mental disorders and abilities to recognize, prevention, and management of mental health problems were at a good level (85.0 % and 51.4 %, respectively). Additionally, the average level of stress among the participants was moderate (63.6%). There was a negative correlation between mental health literacy and stress, r = -.315, p=.05.
Therefore, health service settings should provide counseling clinics and promote mental health literacy for public health volunteers to cope with stress and obtain appropriate stress management during the pandemic of Coronavirus disease 2019.
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