Guidelines for Reducing Violent Behaviors in Problem Solving of Working-Age Individuals After the Pandemic of COVID-19


  • Keskan Tunprapussorn ฺNursing instructor, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Buddhachinaraj, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute


violent behaviors in problem solving, working-age, the pandemic of COVID-19


The pandemic of COVID-19 had significantly direct impacts on economic and social status of working-age individuals. One significant impact was unemployment which led to negative emotional changes in working age individuals. These are stress, anxiety, anger, and distress. Some working-age individuals were unable to cope with problem solving and negative emotions. They solved the problems through violence and self-harm. This article aims to explore guidelines for reducing violent behaviors in problem solving of working-age individuals after the pandemic of COVID-19. The guidelines focused on the principles of emotional resilience and emotional regulation. It will be useful for community nurses in giving care for the working-age individuals who are at risk of violent behaviors, to prevent mental health issues and reduce violent behaviors.


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How to Cite

Tunprapussorn, K. (2023). Guidelines for Reducing Violent Behaviors in Problem Solving of Working-Age Individuals After the Pandemic of COVID-19. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 29(2), 133–148. retrieved from



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