The Effects of Telenursing on the Abilities of Caregivers of Patients with Stroke after Discharging from Chiang Mai Neurological Hospital


  • Wiriyaporn Singthongwan Registered Nurse, Senior Professional Level, Outpatient Department, Chiang Mai Neurological Hospital
  • Supattra Puanfai Registered Nurse, Senior Professional Level, Promoting Quality of Life of Nursing Department, Chiang Mai Neurological Hospital


Stroke patients, Caregivers, the ability to care for patients


This quasi-experimental was designed using one group pretest and posttest. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of telenursing on the abilities of caregivers of patients with stroke after discharging from Chiang Mai Neurological Hospital. The purposive sample were 33 caregivers of patients with stroke. The study tools consisted of 1) telenursing guidelines as an experimental instrument; 2) data collecting instruments included: a demographic data collecting form, questionnaires for assessing the patients, abilities to perform activities daily living, an evaluation form for assessing the abilities of caregivers in giving care for stroke patients, and questionnaires for assessing caregivers, satisfaction in telenursing. The content validity of all questionnaires was checked by three experts. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of questionnaires for assessing the patients, abilities to perform activities daily living, an evaluation form for assessing the abilities of caregivers in giving care for stroke patients, and questionnaires for assessing caregivers, satisfaction in telenursing were .88, .87 and .90, respectively.

The results showed that, after using telenursing, the abilities of caregivers of patients with stroke increased significantly (p < .05). The level of satisfaction of caregivers in telenursing was at a high level (86.7%) The patients, abilities to perform activities daily living on the day of discharging from the hospital and six months later were found no significant differences (p=.317).

Therefore, it can be concluded that telenursing helps to increase the abilities of caregivers of patients with stroke. In addition, using telenursing also helps to increase satisfaction of caregivers in remote areas. It is suggested that telenursing can be another method of giving care for patients in case of pandemic and in remote areas.


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How to Cite

Singthongwan, W., & Puanfai, S. . (2023). The Effects of Telenursing on the Abilities of Caregivers of Patients with Stroke after Discharging from Chiang Mai Neurological Hospital. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 29(1), 43–57. retrieved from



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