Effects of COVID – 19 Prevention Based on Social Cognitive Theory Program on COVID–19 Prevention Behaviors in Preschool Age
COVID – 19 Prevention Program, COVID – 19 Prevention Behavior, Social Cognitive Theory, Preschool age childrenAbstract
This quasi-experimental research used one group pretest posttest design. The purpose of this research was to test the results of using the COVID–19 Prevention Program Based on Social Cognitive Theory on COVID–19 preventive behaviors. The sample were 14 preschool children between 3-5 who studying in the Child Development Center Municipality, Phrae Province. This sample was obtained by using cluster random sampling–multi-stage cluster sampling which has district, sub-district, and village as sampling unit. The instruments used were divided into 2 parts. The first one was the COVID–19 Prevention Program Based on Social Cognitive Theory, and the other was the COVID–19 Prevention Behavior Assessment Form. The Content Validity Index was verified by five experts with a result of 1. The Rater Agreement Index was 0.76. Data were analyzed using dependent t-test.
The results showed that the samples had higher scores of COVID–19 prevention behaviors after receiving the COVID-19 prevention program based on Social Cognitive Theory with statistically significance level of 0.01. The mean score of COVID–19 prevention behaviors in the area of avoiding risks increased from 8.71 (SD.=4.78) to 12.86 (SD.=4.13). The mean score of self-care and society increased from 6.36 (SD.=2.63) to 9.43 (SD.=2.98) with statistically significance level of 0.01. The mean score of the exposure reduction increased from 14.43 (S.D.=2.9) to 15.93 (S.D.=0.26), but there was not statistically significant.
Therefore, health team or teacher in an educational setting can bring the COVID-19 prevention program Based on cognitive-social learning theory to develop/adjust behavior of preschool children, so that preschoolers can take care of themselves initially prevent COVID-19 while performing various activities in schools and communities.
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