The research and development for the prevention of self-extubation among patients with coronavirus diseases and pulmonary tuberculosis


  • Anucha Taiwong วิทยาลัยพยาบาลศรีมหาสารคาม คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ สถาบันพระบรมราชชนก
  • Aranya Pontee
  • Sutida Deejunjoy
  • Nantakorn Sanracha
  • Kanokwan Neerapan
  • Saiwalun Juntakam
  • Sukontip Pattitanung


Unplanned extubations, Innovation, Self-extubation


This research and development (R&D) study aimed to 1) develop an innovation to prevent unplanned extubation from self-extubation, 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the innovation, and 3) evaluate the satisfaction of registered nurses on the use of the innovation. The 146 purposive samples were 146 intubated patients with coronavirus disease 2019 and pulmonary tuberculosis in isolation ward, Mahasarakham Hospital, and 21 registered nurses. The research instruments consisted of in-depth interview questions, a data record form for unplanned extubation, a data record form for pressure sores through physical restraint, and questionnaires on the satisfaction of using the innovation. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The results revealed that the innovation of the “Pa pook rak pitak tube” or “Cloth of Love, a Safeguard for the Tube” that was developed showed durability, and strength, easy to clean, easy to use, convenient, and low cost. It was medical waste disposal. It was found that the innovation significantly helps reducing the rate of self-extubation and the incidence of pressure sore through physical restraints. Furthermore, the satisfaction of registered nurses in using this innovation was in a very high level (91.67%). These results suggest that the innovation could reduce the rate of self-extubation and the prevalence of pressure sores through physical restraints among intubated patients with coronavirus disease 2019 and pulmonary tuberculosis. This innovation should be a part of the nursing care for this groups of patients.


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How to Cite

Taiwong, A., Pontee, A. ., Deejunjoy, S., Sanracha, N. ., Neerapan, K. ., Juntakam, S., & Pattitanung, S. . (2022). The research and development for the prevention of self-extubation among patients with coronavirus diseases and pulmonary tuberculosis. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 28(2), 5–19. retrieved from



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