Establishment and Caring for Elderly with COVID-19 in Maejo University Hospitech Community Isolation


  • Benchamat Thatsaeng Faculty of Nursing, Maejo University


The COVID-19 is an emerging infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus first found in The People’s Republic of China. The elderly with this disease has moreseveresymptoms thanothers duetoreduced immunesystems. Inaddition, mostelderlyhaveunderlying illnesses that increasehigher riskof mortality.There were
350 clients inservice at Community Isolation Maejo University from October 26, 2021, to December 23, 2021, with12.29% were elderly. There werehuge challenges for the health care personnel because both personnel and location must be managed to be ready to receive elderly clients. Therefore, the important role of professional nurses incaring forelderly with COVID-19 included coordinating care withother multidisciplinary teams and taking care of the elderly patient with holistic care by considerate prevention and controlling the spread of COVID-19 strictly for patient safety. This article presents 3 main themes: (1) the establishment of Community Isolation; (2) the
role of professional nurses in caring for the elderly with COVID-19; (3) problems and obstacles in caring for the elderly with COVID-19.

The results of operations were as follows: (1) The establishment of CI showed that thehighest satisfactionof CI’s location was28 percent,and thehighest satisfaction of CI service was 34.1 percent. There are 43 elderly patients composed of 18 males (41.86) and 25 females (58.14%), aged 60-88 years. They were divided into 36 people in the early elderly (83.72 percent), 5 people in the middle elderly (11.63%), and 2 people in the late elderly (4.65 percent). (2) The role of nurses in caring for the elderly with COVID-19found that physicalaspect, patientshad nocomplications during 14 days at CI and 41(95.35 percent) cases were discharged.Twoof them werestepped up with additional complications and referred to Sansai Hospital for other treatment (4.65%), psychological aspect by using the mental health assessment from among COVID-19 patients found that there was no risk. (3) The problems and obstacles in caring for the elderly with COVID-19 are caused by aging change and also problems in communication and the use of technology.


World Health Organization Thailand. Q&A COVID 19. 2022. [cited 2022 Jan 12]. Available From: https://www.

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How to Cite

Thatsaeng, B. (2022). Establishment and Caring for Elderly with COVID-19 in Maejo University Hospitech Community Isolation. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 28(1), 1–12. retrieved from



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