The Analysis of Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Service System for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Thailand



This descriptive qualitative research aimed to conduct the analysis of the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on service system for patients with diabetes mellitus in Thailand. The thirty-four key informants were purposefully recruited from directors and registered nurses in five tertiary hospitals with high incidence of COVID-19. The structured interview questionnaires were used for in-depth interviews. The content analysis was employed for descriptive information.

The findings revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic limited access to systemic services for patients with diabetes mellitus, including blood testing and essential drugs such as insulin. With consideration of the Expanded Chronic Care Model, community and health systems were effective collaboration to support ‘new normal’ healthcare services, including 1) building healthy public policy by minimizing crowding and supporting social distancing, 2) creating supportive environments by generating safe conditions for healthcare and the prevention of nosocomial infection, 3) strengthening communities by implementing co-operation and networking. The health system consisted of 6 dimensions: 1) supporting self-management by using self-care but ineffective communication between patient and healthcare providers, 2) developing personal skills through the use of social media, 3) designing delivery systems by emerging the ‘new normal’ paradigm, 4) re-orienting health services by categorizing patients through health risk screening, 5) providing support in decision-making by effective leadership and crisis management, and 6) providing support for the management of information systems and technology.

In conclusion, patients with diabetes mellitus were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in term of the access to health services in hospitals, but communities and health system can adjust the service system to provide continuing care for patients.


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How to Cite

Ngamkham, S., & Wattanakul, B. (2022). The Analysis of Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Service System for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Thailand. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 28(1), 91–103. retrieved from



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