The Outcomes of the VARK Model of Cooperative Teaching and Learning in Student Nurses who Give Care for Patients with Sensory Organ Problems


  • Warangkhana Bunma Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chiangmai


This one group posttest quasi-experimental research aimed to study learning achievement and the happiness of learning among nursing students using the VARK Model of Cooperative Teaching and Learning in giving care for patients with sensory organ problems.  The samples were 63 sophomore nursing students who studied Adult Nursing I subject at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chiang Mai.

The research tools included 1) The VARK questionnaires. 2) two collaborative lesson plans  based on the VARK model.  3) learning achievement test. 4). happiness assessment form. Descriptive and one-sample t-test statistics were used to analyze Data.

The results revealed that nursing students’ learning achievement after using the VARK Model of Cooperative Teaching and Learning were significantly increased (p<0.001) (t = 7.17, df = 62). The happiness of learning in nursing students were at high level (mean= 3.73, SD = 0.8). The top three happiness in learning were found in 1) the pride in class participation performance 2) the relaxed atmosphere of learning, and 3) the pride in group working

The results of this study showed that the VARK Model of Cooperative Teaching and Learning increased student achievement and happiness in learning Adult Nursing I. Therefore, the VARK Model of Cooperative Teaching and Learning should be tested by using in other subjects. The learning achievement and happiness in learning should be tested as well.


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สุรีพร ปวุฒิภัทรพงศ์. ฉันจะเรียนได้ดีที่สุดอย่างไร. เข้าถึงเมื่อ 20 พฤศจิกายน 2561. เข้าถึงจาก The-VARK-Questionnaire-Thai.pdf.

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ทิศนา แขมณี. ศาสตร์การสอน: องค์ความรู้เพื่อการจัดกระบวนการเรียนรู้ที่มีประสิทธิภาพ. กรุงเทพ: สำนักพิมพ์แห่งจุฬา;2556.

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Kwanta, B., Janpen, L., Sadee, H. & Benya, K. The Learning Achievement by using a mind mapped care planning capability and happiness of the third-year nursing students in Borommarajonnani College of Nursing, Trang [online]. 1.Janice, R.E. & Celia, L.H. Nursing in today’s world. 5thed. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott; 1995.

Thongsom, P. The Development of Indicators of Happiness in Learning of student in Nursing Science Undergraduate Program under The Ministry of Public Health [online]. J Nurs and Educa 2014;4(1):88-110. (in Thai)

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Thanapol, B., Kanok-On, C. & Narumol, J. Happily Learning among Nursing Students. [online]. JMPS 2017;5(1):357-369. (in Thai)

Cathareeya, R., Wareerat, K. & Poonsuk, H. The instructional Model Development focusing on Standardized Patient with circle of Trust to Enhance Learning Happiness for Nursing Student. [online]. J Nurs Health Sci 2015;9(3):179-192. (in Thai)

งานทะเบียนและวัดผล วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนีเชียงใหม่ 2562

Sirarak, S. & Rungtiwa, W. Effect of VARK Learning Style in Newborn Nursing Care on Nursing Student Learning Achievement and Statification, Boromararajonani College of nursing, Buddhachinaraj. [online]. JBCNM 2015;24(4):1-9. (in Thai)

Piansin, P. (2018). The Development of instructional model with student Learning Styles to Enhance paragraph writing ability. [online] JERFE 2018;13(1):74-87. (in Thai)

Dunn, R. Learning Style, and its relation to exceptionally at both ends of the spectrum. Except Child 1983;4(6):496-506.

Yupaporn, T., Samerchan, T., Srisuntra, J. & Patchalee, W. The Development of an Instruction Model base on Cooperative Learning by using VARK Learning Styles on Knowledge and Learning with Happiness of Nursing student. [online]. JBCN_Bangkok 2017;33(2):1-13. (in Thai)

Krisanee, S., Wimonrat, J. & Soonthon, B. The Development of Instruction Model Based on Cooperative Learning And Knowledge Construction for Undergrade students. [online]. JESD 2014;10(1):151-161. (in Thai)

สุรีพร ปวุฒิภัทรพงศ์. ฉันจะเรียนได้ดีที่สุดอย่างไร. เข้าถึงเมื่อ 20 พฤศจิกายน 2561. เข้าถึงจาก The-VARK-Questionnaire-Thai.pdf

Thanix, L. & Santhawee, N. A study of the Relationship between Conceptualization Capabilities and Students Learning Achievement. [online]. DRJ 2011;11(1):261-86. (in Thai).

ทิศนา แขมณี. ศาสตร์การสอน: องค์ความรู้เพื่อการจัดกระบวนการเรียนรู้ที่มีประสิทธิภาพ. กรุงเทพ: สำนักพิมพ์แห่งจุฬา;2556.

Chanix, W. The study in Learning outcome in Theory of Harmony through Cooperative Learning for bachelor’s degree Student in Music, The Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University [online]. Inst Cult Art J 2017;19(1): 87-101 (in Thai)

Kwanta, B., Janpen, L., Sadee, H. & Benya, K. The Learning Achievement by using a mind mapped care planning capability and happiness of the third-year nursing students in Borommarajonnani College of Nursing, Trang [online]. Journal of Nursing Division 2016; 43(3):9-23. (in Thai).




How to Cite

Bunma , W. . (2022). The Outcomes of the VARK Model of Cooperative Teaching and Learning in Student Nurses who Give Care for Patients with Sensory Organ Problems. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 28(1), 80–90. retrieved from



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