The Work-Family Conflicts Among Nurses in Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital


  • Napaporn Chaiya คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


work-family conflict, Nurses, work rotation shift, work department


The work-family conflicts related to nurse performance and family happiness. This comparative descriptive study aimed to determine the level of work-family conflicts related to work interference with family and family interference with work, and to compare conflicts between work and family classified by work shift and department. The study sample consisted of 376 nurses working in Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. The study samples were selected by using proportional stratified sampling. Data were collected during January-February 2021. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires including demographic data and the 18-item Carlson’s Multidimensional Work-Family ConflictScale.The Cronbach’salphacoefficient of the Carlson’s Multidimensional Work-Family Conflict Scale was .93. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The comparisons of work-family conflict based on work shift and department used the Mann-Whitney U test.

The results revealed that the level of work-family conflicts related to work interference with family among nurses was moderate (Mean= 2.74,S.D.= 0.67). The level of work-family conflicts related tofamily interference with work was low (Mean=2.06, S.D.= .64). Nurses working on rotation shifts had work-family conflicts regarding shift work caused a higher level of work-family conflicts related to work interference with family than morning shifts (U = 7917.00, p = .001). Nurses who worked in in-patient department had higher level of
work-familyconflicts related tofamilyinterference with work thannurses who worked in out-patient and emergency department (U = 5971.500, p = .05).

The results of this study provide information for nursing administrators and nurses in finding methods of reducing work-family conflicts which may lead to more efficient job performanceofnurses and more familyhappiness.


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How to Cite

Chaiya, N. (2021). The Work-Family Conflicts Among Nurses in Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 27(2), 44–55. Retrieved from



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