The Relationships between Self-Care Behaviors, Self-Esteem, and Psychological Well-Being among Older Adults with Chronic Illness.


  • Chotika Somsuvun


chronic illness, older adults, psychological well-being, self-care behaviors, self-esteem


The purposesof this descriptive research were tostudy the levelof self-care behavior, self-esteem and psychological well-being and the correlations between self-care behavior, self-esteem, and psychological well-being among older adults with chronic illness. The purposive samples were 380 older adults with chronic
illness treated at Lao Suea Kok Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital during January to March 2020. The research instruments were four questionnaires included demographic data, self-care behaviors, self-esteem, and psychosocial well-beingassessment. Data wereanalyzed using descriptivestatisticand Pearson’s
product moment correlation coefficient.

The results revealed that self-care behavior, self-esteem, and psychological well-being of older adults with chronic illness were at moderate levels (Mean= 2.57, SD.= .47; Mean= 2.71, SD.= .59; Mean=4.52, SD.= 0.13, respectively). Self-care behavior and self-esteem were significantly correlation with psychological well-being
in older adults with chronic illness with level of significant at .05 (r = .645 and r = .679, respectively).

The research result revealed that the awareness and readiness programsneed to be developed in order to promote psychological well-being for older adults with chronic illness.


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How to Cite

Somsuvun, C. (2021). The Relationships between Self-Care Behaviors, Self-Esteem, and Psychological Well-Being among Older Adults with Chronic Illness. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 27(2), 56–68. Retrieved from



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