Covid-19: Impacts on Nursing Students’ Mental Health and assist guideline


  • Pimpimon Wongchaiya วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พะเยา


Covid 19, Impacts, Nursing Students, Student Supports


Thailand has experienced repeated pandemic of COVID-19 which placed overwhelm demands on health care services. Nursing educations are among thoseorganizations affected by the pandemicsof COVID-19, and adjustments are needed in order to produce nurses for health care services as planned. Nursing students have inevitably experienced negative consequences especially on their mental health due to a fear of COVID-19 infection, adjustments to new learning styles, and financial problems.

Therefore, supports for nursing students are very important. This article presents impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on nursing education, nursing students’mental health, and assist guideline for nursing students. These to prevent consequences on students’ mental health, student graduation timeframe and
learningoutcomes as set inthe curriculums. Moreover, they would have positive attitudes towards nursing profession and continue working in the health services of the country.


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How to Cite

Wongchaiya, P. (2021). Covid-19: Impacts on Nursing Students’ Mental Health and assist guideline. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 27(2), 105–114. Retrieved from



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