The Perceptions of Safety in Inpatients of Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital


  • Sutthira Fookham คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


Perception, Patient safety, Hospital



      Patient safety is one of the patients’expectations and the most important concerns in health care service. This descriptive study aimed to study inpatients’ perceptions of safety and recommendations for improving patient safety of Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. The purposive samples of 434 inpatients were recruited from 7 inpatient departments. The research instruments were questionnaires including demographic data, Patient Measure of Safety Questionnaires, and patients’ suggestions to improve patient safety. The reliability of the Patient Measure of Safety Questionnaire was tested, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.83.  The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and categorization.

        The results revealed that the overall inpatients’ perceptions of safety of Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital was at a high level (Mean=4.02, S.D. =.49). Domains that patients perceived at  a high level were patients’ dignity and respect, staff training, communication and teamwork, information flow, organization and care planning, delays, access to resources and ward type and layout (Mean= 4.41,S.D. = .66, Mean= 4.34, S.D.= .63, Mean= 4.31, S.D. = .56, Mean= 4.25, S.D. = .73, Mean= 4.24, S.D. = .63, Mean= 3.87, S.D. = .74,  Mean= 3.86, S.D. = .72 , respectively). The domain of staff roles and responsibilities was perceived at a moderate level ( Mean= 3.48, S.D. = .82).  The patient’s suggestions to improve patient safety were as followings:mellifluous and polite manner to enhance trust regarding safety, arrange the general service training and patient care training, improve communication between patients and families and  among staffs, rapidly and systematically transfer patient information and improve database for patient's transfer, manage the  patient safety system, manage the number of personnel appropriately with workload, manage efficient work system,  prepare enough and ready-to-use equipment , improve building space with clean,  enough light, and  appropriate temperature, and provide services with full responsibility.

          The results of this study are served as information for the hospital and nurse administrators to improve patient safety in Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital.



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How to Cite

Fookham, S. (2021). The Perceptions of Safety in Inpatients of Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 27(1), ึุ76–91. retrieved from



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