Life Review in Nursing Clinical Practice: A Case Study of Patients with Late-Stage Cancer


  • Pornpimol Chaisa


Life review, Late-stage cancer


Patients with late-stage cancer tend to suffer spiritually. This results in decreasing patient’s ability in facing future situation. They encounter fear, anxiety, loneliness, and loss of self. Care methods in promoting quality of life for patients with late-stage cancer are very important. These help patients in living each day with faith and discover their meanings of life. Patients are proud of themselves, have a peaceful life and living happily with their present lives.

The purpose of this article is to apply the life review in nursing clinical practice for patients with late-stage cancer in order. To encourage patients to say their needs and review themselves. As life review is one method of palliative care.


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How to Cite

Chaisa, . P. (2021). Life Review in Nursing Clinical Practice: A Case Study of Patients with Late-Stage Cancer . Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 27(2), 115–122. retrieved from



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