The Development of Guidelines for Nursing Round in Private Trauma Ward, Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital


  • Kanokporn Maichompoo Nursing Administration chiang mai university


Development of guidelines, Nursing round, Trauma Patients



The purposes of this research and study were to develop and test of guidelines for nursing round in Private Trauma Ward at Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital.The methodology used in this study was guided by the concept of nursing management round by Close and Castledine and the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) improvement process. The study comprised 2 stages 1) development of guidelines for nursing round the participants were 12 registered nurses’ stage 2) test of guidelines for nursing round the participants were 57 hospitalized patients. The research instruments included the guidelines for nursing round, the nursing round form, the assessment form for practices compliance with the guidelines for nursing round, and the record form for length of hospital stay. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.   

The results of this study were found that 91% of the samples could completely perform practices according to the guidelines for nursing round and the patients recovered and were discharged faster. The percent of patients who had lengths of hospital stay longer than diagnosis related groups decreased from 32% to 21%. The average length of the patients’ hospital stays from admission to discharge decreased from 7.11 to 5.35 days.

The results of this study showed that the guidelines for nursing round was effective in improving nurse and patient interactions and promoting the quality of nursing care in the private ward. Application and testing of this nursing management round in another setting is needed.



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How to Cite

Maichompoo, K. (2021). The Development of Guidelines for Nursing Round in Private Trauma Ward, Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 27(1), 50–63. Retrieved from



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