Relationship among Perceived Burden of Caring Elderly with Chronic Illness, Family Relationship, Ability to Perform Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and Cognitive Function of Elderly with Chronic Illness in the North of Thailand


  • ๋Chulawaree Chaiwongnakkapun วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี แพร่


perceptions of Burden of family caregiver, the relationship of family caregiver, ability perform activities of daily living, cognitive functional abilities, the elderly, family caregiver


          Caring elderly with chronic illness for long time may lead to care burden among caregivers. This descriptive study aimed to investigate the relationship among perceived burden of caring elderly with chronic illness, family relationship, ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL), and cognitive function of elderly with chronic illness, in the North of Thailand. The sample were 392 caregivers, recruited by a multi-stage random sampling. Research instruments were record forms obtaining information about elderly with chronic illness and care characteristics, ADL performance ability scale, Thai mental status Examination (TMSE), family relationship questionnaire, and care burden questionnaire. The last four instruments were tested their internal reliability and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were report with 0.94, 0.93, 0.89, and 0.88, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis.  

          The findings revealed that, regarding elderly with chronic illness, there have an average man age of 77.30, and about 70.15% of those were female. The three most chronic illness reported were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and muscle and skeletal diseases. While there was a high level of the ability to perform ADL (mean=13.79, SD=7.01), cognitive function was reported at a moderate level (mean=20.58, SD=8.84).  Regarding caregivers, most of those were female (71.94%), and the mean average period of experience as caregiver was 73.97 months and 14.68 hours per day. The caregivers reported a moderate level of care burden (mean=49.88 SD=10.76), and of family relationship (mean=52.46 SD=11.56). Correlation analysis revealed that perceived care burden among caregivers had negative relation to family relation, ability to perform ADL, and cognitive function (r=-0.16-0.28, p<.01).  

         Conclusion, the findings can be used to reduce the perceived burdens of family caregivers by promoting good relationships among the family members of family caregivers, allowing the elderly to participate in activities, which will motivate the elderly toward improving ADL performance ability and delay age-related cognitive degeneration among elderly patients with chronic illness. In addition, to contribute the quality and sustainable process of providing care for elderly patients with chronic illness with quality and long-term sustainability.


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How to Cite

Chaiwongnakkapun ๋. (2020). Relationship among Perceived Burden of Caring Elderly with Chronic Illness, Family Relationship, Ability to Perform Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and Cognitive Function of Elderly with Chronic Illness in the North of Thailand. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 26(2), 24–39. retrieved from



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