The Effects of Health Education Program on Knowledge and Behaviors towards the Prevention of Opisthorchiasis among People in Sobbong sub-district, Phusang District, Phayao Province
Key word: Health Education Program, Prevention of liver fluke, Liver flukeAbstract
The purpose of this one-group quasi-experimental group research was to investigate the effects of health education program on knowledge and behaviors towards the prevention of opisthorchiasis among people in Sobbong sub-district, Phusang district, Phayao province. A total of 42 people at risk of opisthorchiasis infection were chosen using purposive sampling to participate in the study. The instruments used in this study intervention consisted of a health education program towards the prevention of opisthorchiasis, the general and demographic information questionnaire, the knowledge of the opisthorchiasis questionnaire,and the preventive behavior towards the opisthorchiasis infection questionnaire. The content validity indexes of the knowledge of the opisthorchiasis and preventive behaviors towards the opisthorchiasis infection questionnaires were found to be acceptable, with the scores of .88 and .80 respectively. The Kuder-Richardson reliability of the knowledge related to the opisthorchiasis infection questionnaire was .73, while the overall Chronbach’s coefficient alpha reliability of the preventive behavior towards the opisthorchiasis infection questionnaire was .95. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t– test. The level of significance was set at alpha .05.
The results showed the overall mean for knowledge and the preventive behaviors scores towards the opisthorchiasis infection were significantly improved after completing the health education program (p< .001). The findings of this study indicate the health education program to promote prevention of opisthorchiasis worked to reduce opisthorchiasis infection in the at-risk population group in Sobbong sub-district, Phusang district, Phayao province.
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บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของสมาคมพยาบาลแห่งประเทศไทยฯ สาขาภาคเหนือ
เนื้อหาและข้อคิดเห็นใดๆ ที่ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารสมาคมพยาบาลฯ ถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนเท่านั้น ผู้เขียนบทความต้องศึกษารายละเอียดหลักเกณฑ์การจัดทำต้นฉบับตามที่วารสารกำหนด และเนื้อหาส่วนภาษาอังกฤษต้องได้รับการตรวจสอบจากเจ้าของภาษามาแล้ว