Nursing Care for Pain Management in Critically Ill Patients


  • Jaruayporn Jaisit nursing faculty Chiangrai college


Nursing care, Pain management, Critically ill patient


        Pain is a common problem in critically ill patients. The most common causes are medical and nursing procedures for life threatening solving and providing cares to prevent complications. Pain affects in both physiologically and psychologically including the patient’s pathology worsening, prolonged duration of using mechanical ventilation and length of hospital stay. Furthermore, it increases anxiety among patients as well as their families, leading to chronic pain and post traumatic stress disorder in long term. Nowadays, pain management in the critically ill patients are not appropriated because pain is difficult to be assessed due to communication barrier and pain management is the second priority to life threatening solving. This article aims to present causes of pain, barriers of pain management and nursing implications for optimal pain management in critically ill patients.


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How to Cite

Jaisit, J. (2020). Nursing Care for Pain Management in Critically Ill Patients. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 26(2), 104–115. retrieved from



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