The Role of Anesthetist Nurses on Pain Management in Postoperative Patients Relatingto Cultural Beliefs


  • Jintana Densuntikul Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University
  • Jarawee Kanitapiluk Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University
  • Tasa Chaiwannawat Faculty of Nursing Ratchathani University


Anesthetized nurse role, Cultural beliefs, Pain, Postoperative pain management


Nowadays, Thailand is an open society, allowing Thai people to have freedom and becomes a multicultural society. Behavior and decisions of people result in defining health definitions and conventions in both healthy and sickness. Patients normally experience postoperative pain.Cultural beliefs effect on people in perceiving and behaving differently. Cultural diversity is challenging for anesthetist nurses to manage post-operative pain effectively in the recovery room. Thus, post-operative pain is associated with cultural beliefs.

This article aims to present knowledge about various health belief culture of patients, concepts of post-operative pain management, competencies of Thai anesthesia nurses in post-operative pain management in accordance with cultural beliefs, anesthetic nursing standard practice regarding to post-operative pain management. Since pain is one of the complications of patients after surgery that needs to be treated to keep patients from suffering. Anesthetist nurses play an important role in providing postoperative nursing in the recovery room. Post-operative pain management is, therefore, an essential capability of the anesthetist nurse in maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual balance. Then patients receive effective post-operative pain management and satisfied with the service.


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How to Cite

Densuntikul, J., Kanitapiluk, J., & Chaiwannawat, T. (2020). The Role of Anesthetist Nurses on Pain Management in Postoperative Patients Relatingto Cultural Beliefs. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 26(1), 76–89. Retrieved from



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