The Factors Analysis of Bullying Scale for Students in Secondary School


  • Rungnapa Sootinan-ophat Boromarajonani College of Nursing NakhonLampang
  • Sriprapai Inchaithep Boromarajonani College of Nursing NakhonLampang
  • Wasana Mangkhang Boromarajonani College of Nursing NakhonLampang


Bullying scale, Secondary school


This descriptive research aimed to develop and examine the construct validity of the Bullying Scale for Students in Secondary school. A sample of 370 secondary school students were recruited using multistage random sampling. The Bullying Scale for Students in Secondary school was divided into verbal and physical bullying. The content validity index was .92 and the Cronbach’s alpha coeficient was .91. The construct validity was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, Orthogonal rotation. The results revealed that there were eighteen items for a verbal form of bullying with factor loading between 0.38-0.72, and was explained 57.47 percent of variance. There were four subscales; 1) four items of threaten speech with 35.23 percent of variance; 2) six items of sarcastic speech with 9.34% of the variance; 3) four items of profanity speech with 7.28% of the variance, and 4) four items of contemptuous speech with 5.60 percent of the variance. There were twenty-one items of the physical form of bullying with factor loading between 0.46-0.69 with 53.84 percent of the variance. There were four subscales including ; 1) seven items of invasion of privacy with 37.04 percent of the variance; 2) five items of annoyance with 6.81 percent of the variance; 3) five items of loss of self-identity with 5.10 percent of the variance, and 4) four items of terror with 4.89 percent of variance.

These results can be used by educational personnel or health department to determine the bullying issue among secondary school students in order to help and prevent violence in secondary school.


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How to Cite

Sootinan-ophat, R., Inchaithep, S., & Mangkhang, W. (2020). The Factors Analysis of Bullying Scale for Students in Secondary School. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 26(1), 13–26. Retrieved from



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