Effects of Problem-Based Learning on Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction among Public Health Students in a Health Promotion and Elderly Care Course
Learning outcomes, Satisfaction, Problem-based learning, Public health studentsAbstract
This classroom research aimed to investigate 1) the effects of problem-based learning on learning outcomes and satisfaction and 2) the correlation between learning outcomes and satisfaction of public health students in a Health Promotion and Elderly Care course. Forty-five participants were recruited from third-year students of Public Health Faculty, Nation University. The research tools included lesson plan, Teacher’s manual, Learner’s manual, a questionnaire of learning outcomes, and a questionnaire of satisfaction. They were developed by the researcher and approved by 3 experts. The CVI for the questionnaire on learning outcomes and satisfaction were 0.90 and 0.85, respectively and the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of the questionnaires were 0.92 and 0.94, respectively. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson product moment correlation. The results found that the learning outcomes were at good level ( =4.44, S.D. =0.35). Interpersonal relationship and responsibility scores were at highest levels ( =4.56, S.D. =0.59) followed by the ethics ( =4.55, S.D. =0.41). In terms of the satisfaction, promoting on group working was at highest level =4.73, S.D. =0.50) followed by feeling free for learning and expressing their performances ( =4.67, S.D. =0.52). There was statistically significant positive relationship between learning outcomes and satisfaction (r=0.71, p≤0.05). Recommendation: the results indicated that problem based learning can help student develop interpersonal relationship and responsibility. Therefore, instructor should use problem based learning in all subjects in order to improve effective learning outcomes.
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