The Expectation and Actuality of Learning Outcome in SN. 282 Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum among Second Year Nursing Students, McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University


  • ประวีดา คำแดง คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์แมคคอร์มิค มหาวิทยาลัยพายัพ
  • กาญจนา ใจจ้อย คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์แมคคอร์มิค มหาวิทยาลัยพายัพ


Expectation, Actuality, Learning Outcome in SN. 282, Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum, Second Year Nursing Students


This descriptive research aimed to evaluate the expectation and actuality of learning outcome in SN 282 Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum among Second Year Nursing Students, McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University. There were 6 instructors and 123 second year nursing students enrolled in this Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum course in academic year 2017. The research instruments were a general information record form and questionnaires for evaluating the expectation and actuality of learning outcome in Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum. The clarity of language and contents of these research tools were verified by 3 experts. The content validity index was 0.91 and an alpha coefficient of Cronbach was 0.99. The basic practice assessment form in the ward was approved by the standards committee of the McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University in academic year 2017. The results showed as follows: 1) The expectation and actuality of learning outcome in SN 282 Fundamentals of Nursing were found no differences in the overall and each parameter. 2) The actuality of learning outcome in SN 282 Fundamentals of Nursing and the evaluation of nursing practice in SN 282 Fundamentals of Nursing by teacher was found positively correlated in the overall and each parameter.


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How to Cite

คำแดง ป., & ใจจ้อย ก. (2019). The Expectation and Actuality of Learning Outcome in SN. 282 Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum among Second Year Nursing Students, McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 25(1), 36–48. Retrieved from



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