The Nurses’ Roles: Promotion of Parental Self-efficacy in Caring for Children with Acute Illness


  • สมิตรา กันทาหงษ์ McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University


The Nurses’ roles, Parental self-efficacy, Caring for children with acute illness


Social changes in the 21st century are rapidly changed in every dimension. Society is more complex, which affects the way of lifestyle and self-care of health. In particular, the needs for caring when acute illness occurs in children. Parents are the closest persons and understand the needs of their children most. In order to reassure the parental involvement in caring of children with acute illness while admitted in the hospital, they need to perceive their self-efficacy according to self-efficacy theory. Nurses play important roles in promoting parental awareness, to help parents succeed in taking care of children with acute illness.

The purpose of this article is to present the promotion of parental self-efficacy using the self-efficacy theory to increase parental self-efficacy and ability in caring for children with acute illness.


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How to Cite

กันทาหงษ์ ส. (2018). The Nurses’ Roles: Promotion of Parental Self-efficacy in Caring for Children with Acute Illness. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 24(2), 50–60. Retrieved from



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