An Inter-rater Reliability Study of the Pediatric Nursing Skill Assessment Form at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sanpasithiprasong between Nursing Instructors and Nursing Students


  • พรทิพย์ ศิริบูรณ์พิพัฒนา Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University
  • เรืองฤทธิ์ โทรพันธ์ Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sanpasithiprasong
  • วิศริยาพรรณ สืบศิรินุกูล Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sanpasithiprasong
  • วรรณฤดี เชาว์ศรีกุล Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sanpasithiprasong
  • สกุลสุภา อภิชัจบุญโชค Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sanpasithiprasong
  • ธิดารัตน์ ทองหนุน Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sanpasithiprasong


nursing student, Reliability, pediatric nursing skill measure, nursing instructor


Evaluation of pediatric nursing skills is one of the teaching and learning evaluation in pediatric nursing practicum. If the evaluators including nursing instructors and nursing students can efficiently use the pediatric nursing skills assessment form, it helps increasing teaching and learning outcomes and enhancing the pediatric nursing skills. The purposes of this study were to study inter-rater reliability of pediatric nursing skills measure between nursing Instructors and nursing students, and between nursing students at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sanpasithiprasong. The samples consisted of two groups. First, sophomore nursing students, in Bachelor of Nursing Science who registered Nursing Care of Persons with Health Problems Practicum I, including 1) assessor: 12 nursing students who were volunteers in two nursing students per skills and 2) assesse: 60 nursing students who were evaluated in the skills. Secondly, six nursing instructors were volunteers to be assessors. Instrument was a pediatric nursing skill measure including feeding, bronchodilation, caring for oxygen therapy, postural drainage, suction, and intravenous fluid. The measure had 0.67-1.00 for content validity and 0.65-0.92 for Cronbach’s alpha reliability. Data analysis used Pearson Product Moment Correlation and inter-rater reliability. The result showed 3 parts. First, scores of pediatric nursing skills from nursing students were associated with that of pediatric nursing skills from nursing instructors (r = 0.57-0.80, p< 0.05). Secondly, values of inter-rater reliability of pediatric nursing skill measure between nursing Instructors and nursing students were caring for oxygen therapy (0.92), intravenous fluid (0.81), postural drainage (0.75), bronchodilation (0.73), suction (0.73), and feeding (0.70) respectively. Thirdly, values of inter-rater reliability of pediatric nursing skill measure between nursing students were caring for oxygen therapy (0.95), intravenous fluid (0.92), postural drainage (0.84), bronchodilation (0.84), suction (0.77), and feeding (0.77) respectively. The findings showed that using the assessment form between nursing students and nursing instructors was a good reliability. The future study should measure the inter-rater reliability of pediatric nursing skills between nursing instructors, nursing students and preceptors to get a better assessment form.


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How to Cite

ศิริบูรณ์พิพัฒนา พ., โทรพันธ์ เ., สืบศิรินุกูล ว., เชาว์ศรีกุล ว., อภิชัจบุญโชค ส., & ทองหนุน ธ. (2018). An Inter-rater Reliability Study of the Pediatric Nursing Skill Assessment Form at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sanpasithiprasong between Nursing Instructors and Nursing Students. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 24(1), 28–38. Retrieved from



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