Good Death: The Nurses’ Roles


  • วโรดม เสมอเชื้อ McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • วรวรรณ โม่งจันทร์ Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • ปรารถนา ลังการ์พินธุ์ McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University


Palliative care, Nurses’ Roles, Good Death


Good death is an ultimate goal of palliative care which is a care for the best quality of life for patients before their end of life. Palliative care helps the patients to meet good death and death by desire. This article aims to present the meaning of good death and the reflection of attributes of good death among patients, family members and healthcare provider team. Nurses, therefore, are the healthcare providers who play vital roles as assessor, educator, direct caregiver, healthcare system staff, coordinator and communicator, and carer with ethics. They aim to promote patients to have quality of life, preparing for death, and moving towards the death with human dignity or having good death.


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How to Cite

เสมอเชื้อ ว., โม่งจันทร์ ว., & ลังการ์พินธุ์ ป. (2017). Good Death: The Nurses’ Roles. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 23(2), 38–47. Retrieved from



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