The Effects of Participatory Learning Program on Knowledge and Behaviors of the Fetal Movement Count of Shan Pregnanciesin Hang Dong hospital, Chiang Mai Province


  • กัญญาพัชญ์ จาอ้าย McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • จีระภา บุษยาวรรณ McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • ภัสธารีย์ นินเจริญวงษ์ โรงพยาบาลหางดง


The participatory learningprogram, The behavior of the fetal movement count, and Pregnancies, The knowledge of the fetal movementscount


Fetal movement counting is one of the methods for pregnancies to assess the fetal well-being for preventing fetal death. The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to examine the effects of participatory learning program on knowledge and behavior of fetal movement countof Shan pregnancies. Seventy Shan pregnanciesat the ANC clinic in Hang Dong Hospital, Chiang Mai Province, were enrolled purposively sampling, Thirty - five Shan pregnancies were assigned to the experimental group and other 35 Shan pregnancies were in the control group. Research instruments included participatory learning "program, questionnaires which consisted of 3 parts namely demographic data, knowledge of fetal movement count and behavior of the fetal movement count. Data were analyzed by chi-squared test, descriptive statistics, Independent t-test, and paired t - test .

The results of study were as follows: The knowledge and behavior of the experimental group after receiving the program was significantly higher than the control group (p<.001). The knowledge and behavior of the experimental group after receiving the program was significantly higher than before (p< .001). The findings of this study showed that the participatory learning program enhance the knowledge and behavior of fetal movement countof Shan pregnancies. Therefore this program help to developasprenatal self – care knowledge for Shan pregnancies.


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How to Cite

จาอ้าย ก., บุษยาวรรณ จ., & นินเจริญวงษ์ ภ. (2017). The Effects of Participatory Learning Program on Knowledge and Behaviors of the Fetal Movement Count of Shan Pregnanciesin Hang Dong hospital, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 23(1), 32–42. retrieved from



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