Results of Discharge Planning Program for Elderly with Stroke by Participation of Multidisciplinary Team, Prachuap Kiri Khan Hospital


  • บุญนำ กลิ่นนิรันดร์ กลุ่มการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลประจวบคีรีขันธ์
  • วัชรี จินดาวัฒนวงศ์ กลุ่มงานเวชกรรมสังคม โรงพยาบาลประจวบคีรีขันธ์


multidisciplinary team, elderly with stroke, Discharge planning


Stroke is the cause of disabilities that makes the disabled to depend upon their family. Therefore, if the family’s prepared, it will result in efficient care. This study was the research and development for discharge planning program for elderly with stroke. It was also to investigate the results of discharge planning program for elderly with stroke by participation of multidisciplinary team on the level of the elderly’s abilities in doing their daily routine, the complication occurrence ratio to the elderly, the level of relatives’ or caregivers’ and multidisciplinary team’s satisfaction. There were three groups of research samples: 1) 36 new elderly with stroke treated in medical wards in Prachuap Kiri Khan Hospital that the scores for their abilities in doing daily routine were at average level (50-70), and they were voluntary to participate in the research, 2) the group of 36 elderly caregivers, 3) 31 personnel of multidisciplinary team in the hospital and subdistrict health promoting hospitals. The research tools used were: 1) the questionnaire to assess elderly’s abilities to do daily routine, 2) the form for recording the occurrence of complications in the elderly 3) the questionnaire on relatives’ or caregivers’ satisfaction and 4) the questionnaire on satisfaction of personnel in multidisciplinary team, with the reliable value at level 0.84, 0.87, 0.82 and 0.86 respectively. The data were analysed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, repeated measure ANOVA, and Bonferroni correction.

The research results revealed that : 1) There were statistically significant differences at level 0.001 for the level of abilities in doing daily routine among 5 time measurement. When multiple comparison was analyzed, the results revealed that the average of the scores for abilities in doing daily routine before dischargeincreased from the beginning of research. After discharge for 4 weeks, it increased from that of before discharge. After discharge for 12 weeks, it increased from that of after 4- week discharge. After discharge for 24 weeks, it increased from that of after 12- week discharge, and after discharge for 24 weeks, it increased from the beginning of research with statistical significance (p < 0.001). 2) After receiving discharge planning program for elderly with stroke, there were less or no complications such as pneumonia, infection of urinary system, pressure ulcers, joint stiffness, and fall. 3) After receiving the discharge planning program, most caregivers of the elderly with stroke were satisfied with discharge planning program at the highest level for 88.33%. 4) Most personnel in multidisciplinary team were satisfied with discharge planning program at the highest level for 91.39%.


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How to Cite

กลิ่นนิรันดร์ บ., & จินดาวัฒนวงศ์ ว. (2019). Results of Discharge Planning Program for Elderly with Stroke by Participation of Multidisciplinary Team, Prachuap Kiri Khan Hospital. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 22(2), 63–75. retrieved from



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