The Dental Health Status of the Students in Thai Nurse Association School, Songkwae district, Nan province


  • จินตนา จักรปิง โรงพยาบาลน่าน จังหวัดน่าน
  • โสภา อิสระณรงค์พันธ์ โรงพยาบาลน่าน จังหวัดน่าน
  • ณัฐธภา ศิริรัตน์พิริยะ โรงพยาบาลน่าน จังหวัดน่าน


The purposes of this descriptive research were to describe the dental health status of the students in the Thai Nurse Association School, Songkwae district, Nan province, between year 2013-2014.And to study the status of the social, economic and environment of students’ family house hold including possibility of problems solving. The sample were 163 students who were purposive selected from year 1-6. The instruments were the oral examination form which has been adapted from the oral health survey form of dental department of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital and has been approved standard by Kappa agreement equal 0.89. The data analyzed by using frequency, percentage and average.

The research found: in the year 2013-2014, the most continuing oral examination were students in year 1with 23.31 percents. The gingivitis without calculus rate were 6.19 and 4.19 percents respectively. Gingivitis with calculus rate were 8.36 and 18.56 percents respectively. The urgent problem for treatment were 6.81 and 6.89 percents respectively. Dental carries rate were 14.86 and 25.75 percents respectively. Conclusion in the year 2013, there were 37.46 percents of students who have dental problems. No dental carries were 62.54 percents and in the year 2014, the students have dental problem increased up to 55.39 percents, no dental carries were decreased as 44.61 percents.

For the social status found that the parents of students who received dental examination continuously were father and mother with rate 61.96 percents, the subordinate were grandfather-grandmother and others such as uncleaunty have rate 19.02 percents. The most of parents income per year were less than 20,000 baht with rate 24.54 percents. The environment found they have water for drinking and for usage 53.37 percents.


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How to Cite

จักรปิง จ., อิสระณรงค์พันธ์ โ., & ศิริรัตน์พิริยะ ณ. (2016). The Dental Health Status of the Students in Thai Nurse Association School, Songkwae district, Nan province. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 22(1), 35–45. Retrieved from



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