Planned delivery for term infants (การคลอดที่มีการวางแผน)
planned delivery, labor induction, repeated cesarean section, risk factors for cesarean section, cesarean section on maternal request.Abstract
Planned delivery is the delivery through is planned delivery route when term gestational age is completed. Gestational age can be confirmed by urine pregnancy test detection, crown-lump length measurement from ultrasonography and fetal heart detection from stethoscope or doptone. Choosing delivery route is based on the decision of patients, their family and obstetrician with consideration of patient data and risk factors. If patient can be liable to deliver by vaginal route, labor induction will be set up. The repeated cesarean section cases, mother with risk factors for cesarean section and cases with cesarean section on maternal request can choosing cesarean section route. However, cesarean section on maternal request with no medical indication has to be considered with high cautiousness.