The effectiveness of promoting self-efficacy with organization support program on health behaviours and HbA1 C among workers with Diabetes mellitus
self-efficacy, health behaviour, HbA1C, diabetes mellitusAbstract
Self-efficacy is an important theory in terms of behavioral changes among non-communicable disease patients, including those with Diabetes mellitus. This quasi-experimental study aims to evaluate the effectiveness program of promoting self-efficacy with organizational support for health behaviors and HbA1C levels among diabetic workers. The study was conducted between May to July 2019. There were 60 diabetic patients and employees from an instant elastic thread factory and an instant food factory were randomized and divided into 30 participants each, in an experimental and a control group. The research instrument consisted of a self-efficacy and health behavior questionnaire, and HbA1C measurement. The aspect of self-efficacy with an organizational support program was assigned to the experimental group, and consisted of knowledge about diabetes mellitus, food selection, exercise, taking medicine and stress management, accompanied with organizational support. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, a paired sample t-test and an independent sample t-test. The results revealed that after finishing the intervention program in the eighth week, the experimental group had higher and statistically significant self-efficacy and health behavior scores than the control group (p<0.01). The HbA1C value of the experimental group also significantly decreased when compared to starting the intervention program, and lower than the control group (p<0.01). The promoting of self-efficacy program and health promotion policy for employees could improve health behaviors and further control blood sugar levels to close to normal levels among workers. Therefore, activities to change health behavior among employees should be supported by adjusted for each organizational context. This will be beneficial for both health and quality of life among employees, reduce absences due to sickness, and increased productivity in organizations.
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