Nudge theory and the concepts of choice architecture designs for behavioral change and the promotion of medication adherence
Nudge theory, behavioral modification, choice architecture, pharmacistAbstract
Nudge theory and its choice of architecture design concepts aim to change individual health behaviors and to promote medication adherence and may be considered as an option for use in pharmaceutical care. The objective of the article was to inform the reader of the concepts of nudge theory, as well as the choice of architecture design processes that affect the decision-making of patients by letting them choose options voluntarily and without blocking any other options. The most important step of nudge theory requires the process of designing alternatives to stimulate or to push individuals to modify their behavior or choose the right options that are best for themselves long term and in the direction recommended by pharmacists. If pharmacists are able to understand this concept and can apply this theory, it can be used as a tool to take responsibility for individual behaviors, thoughts and decision-making processes that may guide patients to change their behavior to choose more healthy options and to make the pharmaceutical process more efficient.
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