Internet Gaming Disorder: A Scoping Review and Future Direction
DSM-5, ICD-11, Internet gaming disorder, mental health, PRISMAAbstract
Objective: The massive popularity of digital gaming in recent decades has led to an inevitable surge in the use of digital technologies. This has made the younger population more prone to gaming, and causing an exponential rise in excessive video gaming among both children and adolescents. This scoping review summarizes and determines the scope, or coverage, of the body of empirical literature on Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD); published from 2010 to 2021. It was conducted to identify and map the available empirical evidence on IGD pertaining to its: prevalence, determinants, comorbidities and health consequences.
Material and Methods: Literature searches were made in databases; including, Google Scholar, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and PubMed to identify relevant articles published from 2010 to 2021. This was performed using preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and the meta-analyses technique (PRISMA) exclusion and inclusion criteria. Twenty-six empirical research studies are included in the present review.
Results: There have been unexplored areas related to IGD since its introduction into the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Although its harmful impact on mental health and well-being remains untouched across the world, IGD is growing rapidly and calls for substantial worldwide consideration.
Conclusion: Findings advance the understanding of IGD, identify gaps in research and propose future research directions. Research and innovations must focus on assessment, tools, prevention, intervention and treatment of IGD.
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