Effect of Pharmacy Counseling on Readmissions in Patients with Acute Exacerbations of COPD: A Randomized Controlled Trial


  • Narachai Prasungriyo Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Mueang, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand.
  • Nungruthai Sooksai Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Mueang, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand.




AECOPD, inpatients, pharmacy counseling, RCT, readmissions


Objective: To investigate the effects of pharmacy counseling on clinical and economic outcomes in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) patients.

Material and Methods: The outcomes consisted of 28-day hospital readmissions related to AECOPD, direct costs, medication adherence calculated by proportion of days covered (PDC), and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measured by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease assessment test (CAT). The data derived from the intervention group, for which pharmacy counseling was provided, was compared with that obtained from the control group provided with usual pharmaceutical care. The study also drew comparisons between the PDC and CAT scores of pre- and postintervention periods.

Results: Forty-four patients (23 intervention and 21 control) were included in the analysis. There were no significant differences in the readmission rate (13% vs 19%, p-value>0.050), nor the number of readmitted patients (3 vs 3, p-value >0.050). A decrease in direct costs did not reach statistical significance (p-value>0.050). In addition, no difference between the PDC scores was found (96.67 vs 100.00, p-value>0.050). Intervention patients obtained significantly lower CAT scores than the control patients did (9 vs 19, p-value<0.050). Compared with the pre-intervention period, PDC scores were identical; however, CAT scores measured during the post-intervention period were significantly different.

Conclusion: Pharmacy counseling for AECOPD patients could enhance HRQoL. Drug therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation may cause such improvement. Further work, which has adequate participants, is required to detect a significant difference in readmissions between the two groups.


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How to Cite

Prasungriyo N, Sooksai N. Effect of Pharmacy Counseling on Readmissions in Patients with Acute Exacerbations of COPD: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Health Sci Med Res [internet]. 2022 Mar. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];39(6):467-79. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsmr/article/view/255305



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