Delirium Tremens in Psychiatric Ward at Songklanagarind Hospital


  • Teerapat Teetharatkul Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand.
  • Arnont Vittayanont Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand.



alcohol, delirium tremens, red blood cell, withdrawal syndrome


Objectives: To examine the epidemiology of delirium tremens patients in the psychiatric ward at Songklanagarind
Hospital and to find factors associated with the disease.
Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that collected data from alcohol dependent patients who were admitted in the psychiatric ward at Songklanagarind Hospital between January 2011 and December 2014. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data and logistic regression analysis used to analyze factors associated with the disease.
Results: The prevalence of delirium tremens in psychiatric ward was 28.0%. The study found that body temperature >37.8 °C (p-value=0.026), eosinophils >6.0% (p-value=0.046), hematocrit <40.0% (p-value<0.001), red blood cells <4.5x106/ul (p-value<0.001), MCV <83 or >97 g/dl (p-value<0.001), MCH <27 or >33 pg (p-value<0.001), platelets <150x103/ul (p-value<0.001), magnesium <16 mg/dl (p-value=0.043), zinc <0.7 mg/dl) (p-value=0.029), total bilirubin >1 mg/dl (p-value= 0.039) and direct bilirubin >0.2 mg/dl (p-value=0.036) were significant factors correlated with delirium tremens. Multiple logistic regression models found that only red blood cell count <4.5x106/ul (p-value<0.001) was a significant factor correlated with delirium tremens.
Conclusions: The prevalence of delirium tremens in this study was lower than in other Asian countries. Red blood cell count <4.5x106/ul (p-value<0.001) was correlated with delirium tremens.


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How to Cite

Teetharatkul T, Vittayanont A. Delirium Tremens in Psychiatric Ward at Songklanagarind Hospital. J Health Sci Med Res [internet]. 2018 Aug. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];36(3):205-14. available from:



Original Article