Effect of isometric handgrip exercise on blood pressure in pre-hypertensive women

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Sirorat Worachet
Saowanee Nakmareong


Objectives: To determine the effect of isometric handgrip exercise on blood pressure in pre-hypertensive women.

Materials and methods: Pre-hypertensive individuals which were diagnosis by physician aged 40-59 years (n=42) were included in this study. Participants were randomly assigned into two groups: control group (mean age 48.10±5.76 years, n=21) and exercise group (mean age 50.00±7.01 years, n=21). In the exercise group, subjects performed isometric handgrip exercise at an intensity of 30% of handgrip maximum voluntary contraction at a rate of 2-minutes holding followed by 1-minute rest interval for 4 times, frequency 3 days/week for 4 weeks. Resting blood pressure were measured pre- and post-intervention period.

Results: After training with an isometric handgrip for 4 weeks, resting systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were significantly reduced compared to baseline blood pressure (p<0.05). Moreover, after 4 weeks the exercise group had statistically significant lower systolic blood pressure than control (p<0.05). Mean arterial pressure in the exercise group was also reduced (-3.1%, p=0.002) compared to pre-exercise period. At the end of intervention, mean arterial pressure in the exercise group was significantly lower than that of control (p=0.038).

Conclusion: Resting blood pressure in pre-hypertensive women was reduced following isometric handgrip exercise for 4 weeks.

Journal of Associated Medical Sciences 2017; 50(2): 197-208. Doi: 10.14456/jams.2017.19

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How to Cite
Worachet, S., & Nakmareong, S. (2017). Effect of isometric handgrip exercise on blood pressure in pre-hypertensive women. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 50(2), 197. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bulletinAMS/article/view/81563
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