The case report: Effect of red blood cell transfusion on hemoglobin (Hb) analysis of β0-Thalassemia/HbE disease and homozygous HbE
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Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is a medical therapy in patients with severe thalassemia and hemoglobinopathy. However, it also affects the hemoglobin (Hb) analysis. We report here the presentation of HbA peak on capillary electrophoresis (CE) electrophoregrams of β0-thalassemia/HbE and homozygous HbE patients who received RBC transfusions. The misinterpretations of β+-thalassemia/HbE and heterozygous HbE, respectively, were occurred. Therefore, to avoid misdiagnosis, hemoglobin analysis should be determined prior to or after 3 months of blood transfusion. When hemoglobin typing is needed within the 3 month period mentioned, history of transfusion is required to accompany the diagnosis. Moreover, molecular analysis for identification of thalassemia genotype should be performed.
Journal of Associated Medical Sciences 2017; 50(1): 22-26. Doi: 10.14456/jams.2017.2
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