The case report: Effect of red blood cell transfusion on hemoglobin (Hb) analysis of β0-Thalassemia/HbE disease and homozygous HbE

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Sakorn Pornprasert


       Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is a medical therapy in patients with severe thalassemia and he­moglobinopathy. However, it also affects the hemoglobin (Hb) analysis. We report here the presentation of HbA peak on capillary electrophoresis (CE) electrophoregrams of β0-thalassemia/HbE and homozygous HbE patients who received RBC transfusions. The misinterpretations of β+-thalassemia/HbE and heterozygous HbE, respectively, were occurred. Therefore, to avoid misdiagnosis, hemoglobin analysis should be determined prior to or after 3 months of blood transfusion. When hemoglobin typing is needed within the 3 month period mentioned, history of transfusion is required to accompany the diagnosis. Moreover, molecular analysis for identification of thalassemia genotype should be performed.

Journal of Associated Medical Sciences 2017; 50(1): 22-26. Doi: 10.14456/jams.2017.2

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How to Cite
Pornprasert, S. (2017). The case report: Effect of red blood cell transfusion on hemoglobin (Hb) analysis of β0-Thalassemia/HbE disease and homozygous HbE. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 50(1), 22. retrieved from
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