The effect of obesity on respiratory and cardiovascular system

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Sarayoot Mongkol


     Obesity is an important problem worldwide, including Thailand. Obesity involves fat distribution and plays an important role in the pre-disposition of obese people to certain obesity associated complications. In this review, we focus in the eff ects of obesity on the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Obesity can profoundly alter cardiopulmonary function and decrease exercise capacity by its adverse eff ects on cardiopulmonary mechanics, increase resistance in the respiratory system, increase work and energy cost of breathing, decrease respiratory muscle strength and lung volumes, and can also lead to ineff ective control of breathing, and gaseous exchange. In conclusion, a greater understanding of the eff ects of obesity on the respiratory and cardiovascular system and the condition of adequate health care resources is necessary in order to care for obese patients.


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How to Cite
Mongkol, S. (2012). The effect of obesity on respiratory and cardiovascular system. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 45(3), 10. Retrieved from
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