PET-MR medical imaging technology

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Nathupakorn Dechsupa


 Hybrid medical imaging technologies are originally occurred by a limitation of technology that is not giving clinical information completely in each one. Thus a further data acquisition by another modality is required. The diagnostic efficiency of diseases by a medical doctor is depending on clinical evidence-based information. Increased number of correct clinical data and evidence of patient is useful to a medical doctor in diagnosis and therapy and finally is health benefits to patient. It has two basically ideas in development hybrid technology are to improve a potential and performance of diagnostic machine and to fulfill complementary clinical information of patient. PET-MR imaging is a new medical imaging hybrid technology integrated from PET and MRI systems. Some advantages of MRI are high spatial and temporal resolution, provides anatomical structure and especially soft tissues, and no ionizing radiation like CT scan. PET provides insight into physiological and pathophysiological processes. It is also highly specificity and sensitivity. These advantages of PET and MRI are included simultaneously in PET-MR systems. PET-MR systems are potential and highly performance compared to PET and MRI system. This hybrid technology is a new challenge as a tool in many research areas and medical imaging applications. It is useful for diagnosis, therapeutic planning and monitoring, and drug development. In this review, principle of PET-MR systems, research and development, and clinical application are discussed. Bull Chiang Mai Assoc Med Sci 2013; 46(2): 81-106

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How to Cite
Dechsupa, N. (2013). PET-MR medical imaging technology. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 46(2), 81. Retrieved from
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