Validity and reliability of the Test of Knowledge and Awareness of universal precautions in Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University

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Ratchadaporn Udpaun
Peeraya Munkhetvit
Santhana Buamongkol
Ponrut Phunae
Khajornsak Tragoolpua


Introduction: Medical Technology students have high risk of infection from blood and body fluid borne diseases. Knowledge and awareness of the Universal Precautions enable them to be safe from infection.

Objective of the study: Current study aimed to develop the Test of Knowledge and Awareness of Universal Precautions in Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University and to examine its content validity and reliability.

Materials and methods: Research methodology was divided into 2 phases; the first phase was the development of the Test of Knowledge and Awareness of Universal Precautions and examination of content validity of the developed test. The second phase was the examination of reliability: test-retest reliability and internal consistency.

Results: The results from the study revealed that the developed test had content validity by selecting the items that had an Index of Concordance>0.5 judged from 3 experts. The examination of internal consistency and test–retest reliability was conducted in 146 second and fourth year students in Medical Technology in the academic year 2553, Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University. The analysis of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient revealed a medium to high consistency of the Test. (α between 0.46–0.98). Using an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to examine test-retest reliability, the developed test showed medium and excellent test-retest reliability (ICC between 0.50–0.85), except the item of hygiene and sanitation in part of the Practice of Universal Precautions that had low test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.36).

Conclusions: It can be concluded that the Test of Knowledge and Awareness of Universal Precautions in Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University has an acceptable validity and reliability, except in the subtest of hygiene and sanitation that needs refinement before using to test.

Bull Chiang Mai Assoc Med Sci 2014; 47(1): 53-60

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How to Cite
Udpaun, R., Munkhetvit, P., Buamongkol, S., Phunae, P., & Tragoolpua, K. (2014). Validity and reliability of the Test of Knowledge and Awareness of universal precautions in Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 47(1), 53. retrieved from
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