Prevalence and problem of hemoglobinopathy in the population of Lampang Province

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Tiemjan Keowkarnkah


Objectives: To determine prevalence and problem of abnormal hemoglobins (Hbs) on interpreting hemoglobin (Hb) identification results in Lampang hospital.

Materials and methods: PCR was performed to identify globin gene defects in 102 from 14,909 routine blood samples failed to identify types and quantities of Hbs by cation-exchange low pressure liquid chromatography (LPLC).

Results: Prevalence of abnormal Hb was 0.68%. These abnormal Hbs could interfere with chromatogram interpretation. Hemoglobin (Hb) peak residing around F window was Hb Hope (71.6%). Hb peak localized around S window was Hb Tak (13.7%) and Hb Q-Thailand (10.8%). Hb peaks residing after HbA2, at Hb Constant Spring window, were Hb A2-Melbourne (2.9%) and Hb A2-Lampang (0.98%). These abnormal Hbs were seen in both single form and combinations with α and β-thalassemia with alterations of hematological parameters.

Conclusion: Incidence of abnormal Hbs in Lampang was rare but may interfere with interpretation of Hb identification performed by cation-exchange LPLC. Consideration of hematological parameters and globin gene defects were necessary to obtain correct interpretation. 

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How to Cite
Keowkarnkah, T. (2014). Prevalence and problem of hemoglobinopathy in the population of Lampang Province. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 47(3), 153. Retrieved from
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