The influence of age on the constant error of joint position sense of the lower extremities

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Arunee Promsri


Introduction: Proprioception is the sense of knowing of joint position and kinesthetic movement. Proprioceptive feedback is also an importance in the control of voluntary movements. Impaired proprioceptive acuity with advancing age is an interesting topic for study.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the constant error of joint position sense (CEJPS) of the lower extremities between the young adult (20-35 yr.), middle-aged adult (40-55 yr.) and older adult (60-75 yr.) groups, and to compare the CEJPS between dominant and non-dominant legs in each individual group.

Material and methods: Twenty subjects in each group were blinded and instructed to be measured the error of joint position sense (EJPS) of both dominant and non-dominant legs in standing position, and the EJPS was calculated to be the CEJPS for statistical analysis. The CEJPS of all groups was analyzed by one way ANOVA for between subject effects, and were compared within subject effect by paired sample t-test.

Results: For between subject effects, the CEJPS of the lower extremities of all groups was significantly different in both dominant and non-dominant legs at p=0.000 and p=0.001, respectively. The CEJPS of the older adult group was significantly higher than the young adult and middle-aged adult groups, while the CEJPS between the young adult and middle-aged adult groups was not different. In other hand, for within subject effect, the CEJPS of both dominant and non-dominant legs in all groups was not different.

Conclusions: Advancing age was significantly influenced on the increasing of the CEJPS of lower extremities, and the difference between dominant and non-dominant legs was not influence on the joint position sense of the lower extremities.

Bull Chiang Mai Assoc Med Sci 2015; 48(1): 59-66. Doi: 10.14456/jams.2015.1


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How to Cite
Promsri, A. (2015). The influence of age on the constant error of joint position sense of the lower extremities. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 48(1), 59. retrieved from
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