Application of detectors in computed radiography systems for radiation dosimetry

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Thunyarat Chusin


 Introduction: Computed radiography (CR) system has rapidly replaced screen-film imaging system in recent years. The imaging plate (IP) which is the detector of CR system. Its potential to store energy proportional to the amount of radiation reaching detector is represented by exposure indicator (EI) values.

Objectives: To measure radiation output from x-ray tube and to investigate the radiation dose measurement capability of IP by calibration with an ionization chamber which is the standard radiation dosimeter.

Materials and Methods: Radiation output from x-ray tube was measured using IP and ionization chamber under the conditions of tube voltages from 50 to 120 kV, tube current-time product from 3.2 to 32 mAs and added filtration from 0 to 0.3 mmCu. All measurements of 80 conditions were acquired in triplicate. The radiation dose in IP was calculated using EI values applying the specified equation EI=1000×log(E/E0)+C.

Results: Radiation dosimetry using IP and equation can estimate the exposure dose in range with limits of 0.1 to 10.3 μC kg-1. This is a smaller range than that of the ionization chamber of 0.2 to 90.5 μC kg-1. Maximum discrepancy of the purposed radiation dosimetry after applied conversion factors was -6.3%, which is within that ±8% recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) technical reports series number 457.

Conclusion: The imaging plate of CR systems would be applicable to radiation dosimetry in diagnostic radiology.

Bull Chiang Mai Assoc Med Sci 2016; 49(1): 114-122. Doi: 10.14456/jams.2016.1

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How to Cite
Chusin, T. (2016). Application of detectors in computed radiography systems for radiation dosimetry. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 49(1), 114. retrieved from
Research Articles


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