Inhibitory effect of various Thai natural plants ethanolic extracts on platelet aggregation and blood coagulation in vitro

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Suwit Duangmano
Surangkana Wonkngam
Ponghathai Ladchantha
Warissara Palanan
Ornkamon Wongtagan


 Introduction: Platelets and blood coagulation play critical roles in haemostasis and also mediate pathologic thrombosis, responsible for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Surgery and anti-platelet drugs has been used for the therapeutic purposes. However, some side effects are concerned such as bleeding, thrombocytopenia, etc. Therefore, natural herbal extracts may be a good candidate to counteract hemostatic disturbs with little or less side effects.

Objective: To investigate antiplatelet and anticoagulant effects of 14 different Thai natural plant ethanolic extracts. They were the extracts from Phyllanthus amarus, Tagetes erecta, Tinospora crispa, Angelica sinensis, Acorus calamus, Atractylodes lancea, Curcuma latifolia, Ligusticum sinense, Homalomena noboguine-ensis, Butea monosperma, Cissus quadrangularis, Artemisia annua, Pachyrrhizus erosus, and Curcuma zedoaria.

Materials and methods: Platelet aggregation using light transmission platelet aggregometer and platelet viability determined by microculture tetrazolium (MTT) assay were studied. Effect of the extracts on blood coagulation was studied by prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). These assays were monitored before and after treated with the extracts.

Results: Curcuma zedoaria extract significantly interfered platelet aggregation with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 4.8 mg/ml at p<0.05 when compared with control. However, it did not show any toxicity to platelet viability. Moreover, it did not inhibit blood coagulation. Other herbal extracts did not have any effect platelet aggregation or blood coagulation.

Conclusion: Curcuma zedoaria has inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. It was still unclear in its mechanism. So, mechanism of action of Curcuma zedoaria extract on platelet aggregation inhibition should be further on studied. This would be a candidate for potential antithrombotic and antiplatelet drug which can be a new approach for management and treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Bull Chiang Mai Assoc Med Sci 2016; 49(1): 77-89. Doi: 10.14456/jams.2016.9

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How to Cite
Duangmano, S., Wonkngam, S., Ladchantha, P., Palanan, W., & Wongtagan, O. (2016). Inhibitory effect of various Thai natural plants ethanolic extracts on platelet aggregation and blood coagulation in vitro. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 49(1), 77. retrieved from
Research Articles


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