Concepts of quality of life

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Piyawat Trevittaya


Concept of quality of life (QOL) has become a common indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment and how well clients achieve their treatment goals. However, quality of life has been explained in different ways depended on concept the therapists use. This article presented concepts of QOL used among medical professions in their practices. Moreover, classification of QOL assessments was presented in this article, especially the variety of questionnaires for appropriate and trustable assessment. The application of the concept for occupational therapist for clinical practice was summarized in the last section of this article.

Bull Chiang Mai Assoc Med Sci 2016; 49(2): 171-184. Doi: 10.14456/jams.2016.27

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How to Cite
Trevittaya, P. (2016). Concepts of quality of life. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 49(2), 171. Retrieved from
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