Effect of structured exercise program on fundamental motor skills in children with Down syndrome: A randomized controlled trial

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Myo Thein Tun
Thanda Aye
Thwet ZarChi Htut
Wai Mar Tin
Myo Thuzar Khin


Background: Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities, and it has a deficiency in fundamental motor skills (FMS).

Objective: This study aimed to determine how a structured exercise program impacted children with Down syndrome’s fundamental motor skills.

Materials and methods: This study was conducted in a randomized controlled trial at the School for Disabled Children, Yangon. Thirty participants (15 in each group) with DS were divided into the experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in a structured exercise program (focusing on stability, object control skills, and locomotor skills) for six weeks, while the control group did artistic and recreational activities (singing, dancing, drawing, and coloring). Lower extremity functional strength (five times sit-to-stand test), static balance (modified Stroke test), and FMS proficiency (TGMD-2) were assessed by blinded assessors at the start of the intervention, three weeks later, and six weeks later. Independent sample t-tests and repeated measure ANOVA were used to compare the two groups and within each group.

Results: Post-test analyses of all outcome measures between the two groups revealed statistically significant differences. In the third- and sixth-weeks following intervention, the FMS, static balance, and lower extremity functional strength were significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group.

Conclusion: The current study’s findings highlight that a structured exercise program focused on FMS can be applied in educational and clinical settings to improve the FMS of children with DS.

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How to Cite
Thein Tun, M., Aye, T. ., Htut, T. Z., Tin, W. M. ., & Khin, M. T. . (2025). Effect of structured exercise program on fundamental motor skills in children with Down syndrome: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 58(2), 48–57. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bulletinAMS/article/view/275248
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